
The committee consists of Executive Board members.  This group comes together and creates everything that relates to the operation of the Union, from the election of officers to how much power committees have. They then have to present the bylaws to the general membership so they can be voted on and approved.

As the non-profit begins its day-to day operations, this committee is responsible for making sure that all rules in the bylaws are being followed. This oversight usually comes in the form of an operational question which is raised in an Executive Board. A member of the committee should attend all meetings to answer any questions that have come up. Also, the committee is present to give guidance to the Executive Board to ensure that any new business is conducted according to the bylaws, and all votes that take place are done in accordance with the regulations that have been established and the Constitution.

As business dealings develop and grow, there may be a need for the bylaws to be expanded and changed. Periodically, the bylaws committee gets together to review the existing bylaws to ensure changes do not need to be made. Also, the Executive Board may wish to amend the bylaws in some way, a task that is assigned to the bylaws committee. When that happens, the committee should meet to discuss the proposed changes, make sure they do not go against the Constitution and then figure out how to incorporate them into the existing bylaw framework.   Once the bylaws have been changed, the committee is then tasked with presenting them to the membership once again for an approval vote.