Acting Management - Membership Bulletin


Unifor Members,

As you are all aware, last week Bell announced that they are terminating our OPEBs effective April 1, 2019, thereby effectively entering into bargaining without meeting with the Unifor ACL bargaining committee.  

Therefore the Unifor ACL Executive on behalf of the bargaining committee, will be informing the Company to release all union members who are currently in an acting manager role and to not place any more members in these temporary roles.

The committee is also asking union members currently in these management positions to step down and in the future if union members are asked to perform these roles, to decline any / all temporary management assignments.

To be clear, it is not the responsibility of any unionized member to perform the duties of management or assume the related responsibilities that are associated with these volunteer "non-bargaining unit capacity" positions.

The Unifor ACL Executive Board and bargaining committee require your support on this matter as we negotiate a new Collective Agreement for the benefit of all members.


In solidarity

Unifor ACL Council