Network Blueprint Bulletin


Further to Unifor ACL’s bulletin to the membership on July 12, regarding Blueprinting.

It has come to the attention of Unifor ACL that Bell continues to roll out these attacks on the value of work into our workplaces,

The most recent incident of this has been in Blueprinting some of the Central Office routines of the Network Tech work. Unifor ACL strongly protests this devaluing of work and the processes inability to recognize the complexities and vital nature of this work.

It has also been suggested by Bell management that the Bell Aliant Network Techs provide feedback on how these Blueprints function in the task being performed and any errors encountered. Unifor ACL strongly recommends that no one provide feedback on these processes. Since Bell created these measurement tools it is up to Bell management to make corrections to the Blueprint process as they see fit.

Blueprinting continues to be problematic, and Council is once again reminding all members that we need to work together to maintain good jobs for all.


In Solidarity

Unifor ACL Council