Phone Zap for Paid Sick Days!


Help us win PAID SICK DAYS for all in Newfoundland and Labrador! 

Paid sick days save lives. Public health officers and community & labour organizations in provinces across Canada are calling for urgent action to legislate paid sick days.

Unifor invites you to take part in a Phone Zap for Paid Sick Days!

Monday, March 1 from 7:00 p.m. to 7:45 p.m.

During this short workshop, we will look at how legislated paid sick days are essential to end the COVID-19 pandemic so workers don't have to go to work when they are sick.

We will then take a few minutes to phone our elected representative and demand that they legislate Paid Sick Days for all workers!

Open to Unifor members in Newfoundland and Labrador.

This workshop will be hosted online. You must RSVP. Participants will be emailed information on how to join. We recommend that you use a computer or another

device in order to keep your phone free to make phone calls during this workshops.

Registration Link:…


Linda MacNeil
Atlantic Regional Director