Unifor Membership Survey Results


Unifor Membership:


Unifor ACL wishes to thank all members who participated in the recent Union survey. The participation rate was at 58%.

The results of this survey will be kept confidential and used by the Unifor bargaining team to help with its preparation for the upcoming collective agreement bargaining sessions with Bell.

Four $100 prizes (1 per province), drawn from the members who submitted the completed survey.

The $100 cash draws have taken place and congratulation to the following winners.

Newfoundland & Labrador- Marlene Redmond

Nova Scotia: Rod Hadley

Prince Edward Island: Mark Wakelin

New Brunswick: Joel Crouse


The members of the Union Bargaining team are:

Newfoundland & Labrador: Steve Howlett & Susan Rice

Nova Scotia: Dave Gates & Colleen Craig

Prince Edward Island: Bobby MacDonald

New Brunswick: Sandy Brideau & Stephane  Lamoureux


In solidarity