MBLL Unifor Update



The current collective agreement expires June 4, 2022. Nominations for the bargaining committee will commence in the coming weeks. Nominations are open to all Unifor members, you may nominate yourself and keep in mind that only one nomination is required for each candidate.

As per Article 10 - Union Business 10:04 (b)

The Union shall have the right to elect or appoint bargaining committee representatives as follows:

one (1) representative from Club Regent Casino Table Games
one (1) representative from McPhillips Station Casino Table Games
one (1) representative from the Gaming Centre
one (1) representative from Electronic Gaming or the Bank from both Club Regent Casino and McPhillips Station Casino
one (1) representative from Security or Customer Service/ Housekeeping/Facilities/House and Grounds from both Club Regent Casino and McPhillips Station Casino
one (1) Skilled Trades Bargaining representative

The Chairperson will be included in the above allotment.

Once the nominations have been collected then an election for positions may be held.

If an election is necessary (i.e. if more there is more than one nominee for a position) then a list of nominees will be posted and an election will be held on the date and time on the notice.

As many of you know we have been trying to get personal email addresses for future voting purposes. Unifor uses Simply Voting for all online voting. Many people have asked why we dont use MBLL email, the simple answer is the corporation does not what any of the unions to use their infrastructure for union business. Also, if any member is on any kind of leave their mbll email account is disabled and they would not receive the link to vote. 

It is important that you provide an email address in order to participate. You can send an email to unifor144@mymts.net with your first and last name if you have not already done so.


In Solidarity,

Darren Gibson (he/him)

President Unifor 144
